Technology 2017-10-02T17:13:08+00:00
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    • Yes, you can register free for TroveSelect and TroveSpace by providing personal details in registration page and accepting terms and conditions.
      Go to TROVA Data Platform drop down menu and select For Individual Investors, the Sign-up for the Basic plan in either TroveSelect or TroveSpace.

    • If you are registered but do not have a paid subscription you get limited data and service.

    • Subscribing to NetFin products is not mandatory. With free registration you limited data and information.

    • If you are an individual without an account:
      - Go to the Individual Investor page in the TROVA Platform Drop down menu
      - Select a TroveSelect or TroveSpace plan you are interested in and Sign-up
      - You will receive a confirmation once you are subscribed

      If you are already signed up and want to upgrade from Free to paid plan:
      - Log in using login credentials
      - Go to Renew & upgrade tab
      - Select the upgrade you want and complete payment
      - You will receive a confirmation after you upgrade your subscription

      If you are representing an institution:
      - Click the Request a Demo button on the top right of the page and fill up the form and we will get back to you

    • Right now, we don't support moving from one subscription type to other in the middle of the subscription period, but you can upgrade to a higher plan any time you want.

    • Please send an email to with your question. We will reply as soon as possible.

    • Yes. We have referral program for our premium TroveSelect members.

    • Whoever is getting referred by you, they have to provide your registered email id during their TroveSelect registration process.

    • Letting others leverage the power of TroveSelect (formerly NFselect). At the same time earning referral rewards for yourself. You can earn up to $500 if you are a silver member, up to $750 if you are a gold member and up to $1000 if you are a platinum member.

    • Yes. The member who subscribes upon referral (from existing premium members of TroveSelect) also get one time reward of up to $25 towards subscription renewal.

    • Wintrove is a NetFin institutional product on our TROVA Platform with multiple software capabilities that enable users to view investment data analytics, upload financial data and retrieve data summary.
      NetFin's Wintrove provides software that facilitates design, development and maintenance of our institutional customers' proprietary models.
      For example, our platform allows users to upload their financial models and validate, verify or modify their models based on the analysis and data provided in Wintrove. The resulting validated, verified or modified financial models can then be loaded into the users' proprietary computer software for use in further design, development and maintenance of their software.

    • Only institutional customers of NetFin can subscribe to our Wintrove software. Click the Request a Demo button on the top right of the page and fill up the form and we will get back to you with more information about Wintrove.